There are times for a plain white ceiling...the 1960's, for instance.

Okay, even I have some white ceilings. In certain rooms, with certain lighting, a white ceiling compliments the decor and bounces light around the room. In a lot of rooms, however, a white ceiling is just an unfinished fifth wall. Sometimes it's as simple as using a lighter shade of your wall color (yes, you can roll paint over cottage cheese/popcorn ceilings), and sometimes a ceiling is the perfect spot for something too detailed to put anywhere else, like a Persian rug pattern in a room where the coveted carpet just won't work. Skies are a classic, and can be as simple or elaborate as you or night, with or without birds...or bats...or...
Click on any photo in the galleries below to see it full-sized, and read the captions.
...and don't forget the floor! I paint them directly, or on canvas. More floor photos coming as soon as I can round them up!
Ready for something special overhead? ...underfoot?
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